0333 600 6100
Industry Resource Services Ltd (IRS) is committed to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in its business or supply chain. Our suppliers are expected to share that commitment.
Our offices are all based in the United Kingdom where we employ approximately 20 people. We do not have any offices in other countries.
We work with suppliers in the United Kingdom in the main although we may engage with suppliers within the European Community when our activities require us to engage with such supplier.
As part of our commitment to combating modern slavery and human trafficking, we have implemented a modern slavery and human trafficking policy.
We also make sure our suppliers are aware of our policy and have their own policies in place.
Due diligence
To reduce and monitor the risk of slavery and human trafficking within our supply chain, we have due diligence procedures designed to establish areas of potential risk in our business and supply chain, monitor potential risk areas in our business and supply chain and reduce the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in our business and supply chain.
We are committed to ensuring protection for all whistle-blowers in our business and supply chain, and, have a whistle-blowing policy which will apply in relation to allegations of modern slavery and human trafficking within our business or supply chain.
Risk and compliance
We regularly evaluate the risk of modern slavery occurring in our supply chain.
We do not consider that we operate in high risk sectors or locations because the majority of our field staff are United Kingdom or European citizens and we carry out appropriate checks before they are engaged; this includes checks on their right to work which will satisfy us that they have access to their own legal documents, for example.
Where we have identified a potential risk it will be investigated, remediated and mitigated through due diligence, improved procurement practices or industry collaboration.
We ensure all our suppliers adhere to our anti-slavery policy. We enforce a strict code of compliance and do not tolerate slavery and human trafficking within our supply chain. If we find evidence of a failure to comply with our policy, we will immediately seek to terminate our relationship with the relevant supplier.
We train our managers and staff so that they are aware of the issues and able to recognise the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chain. Our managers and staff are encouraged to identify and report any potential breaches of our slavery and human trafficking policy.
This statement is made in accordance with section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Industry Resource Services Ltd's slavery and human trafficking statement. This policy will be reviewed every year, or earlier, if an amendment is deemed necessary.
Christopher R. Blyth
Managing Director
Date: 01 October 2021