0333 600 6100
Staff absence carries a significant cost to the business. Many organisations manage their other business costs well, but not all businesses effectively manage their absence cost.
We work with our clients to develop a range of measures to help them manage their staff absences and costs.
There are many reasons why staff will take time off work, mostly it will be for planned and authorised absences, such as holiday, maternity or other parental leave, compassionate leave, or time off to carry out public duties, and we recommend organisations have procedures in place to help in the management of these absences. But do you have effective practices and policies in your business to manage unplanned, unauthorised absences or persistent lateness?
Call us to for absence management support, whether it’s helping you put the right policies and procedures are in place, to assisting you with a specific absence management issue.
Is sickness absence an issue in your business?
You will need to be understanding and sympathetic when your employee is sick, but short, frequent absences have the most disruptive effect and can quickly hit your bottom line. We can help you to implement tried and tested methods to help you keep the impact and cost to your business to a minimum.
Good absence records will allow you to monitor and identify possible attendance problems or apparent patterns of absenteeism. We can help you to get the right system in place, appropriate for your business, that will help you monitor absences, so you can take action at an early stage before disruptive absences become a bigger problem for your business.
working days sick absence per worker per year
of absences are for minor illnesses
working days lost in 2020 in the UK
If you want an online absence recording solution, why not take a look at our cloud-based payroll offering? It includes an employee self-service portal, so employees can request the leave they wish to take which automatically flows through to the manager for their consideration.
With the ability to view the department or Company absence calendar, Managers can approve or reject leave requests and record other absences, such as sickness.
Our clients, using our cloud-based payroll solution, have accurate and up-to-date records of absences at their fingertips, helpoing them to manage holiday leave and other absences more efficiently.
Many businesses will need to get to grips with the legislation on parental leave and rights at some stage, whether it’s maternity, paternity or adoption leave and pay, shared parental leave, or unpaid time off to look after their child. That’s a lot to keep up with, especially when you have so many other priorities in running your business.
That’s where we come in! Our experienced HR team can help you to make sure you understand your employee’s rights and to handle your obligations including working out how much leave they can take, what pay they are entitled to, working out holiday entitlement and benefits, and so on. It is important to get advice early, as there are steps you need to take as soon as you are notified, for example, that your employee is pregnant.
Contact us for support - we will help you through these important steps.